Empty Cart
Optional: to preserve your selections, we recommend naming and saving the cart.
modifications to the cart's contents and quantities are not automatically saved; you must click the
button above to update a named cart after you make changes.
If you have any saved carts, you can reload them using the
"Saved Carts"
menu button.
Or, shop for:
KCD Uploads
Layouts created using KCD Software can be output in the ~.cfp or ~.xjf file format and submitted to Cabinotch for bulk pricing.
Use the form below to upload your file(s), and we will create a Saved Cart for each file with an aggregate price that you may purchase at any time.
Remember, only files with a .cfp or .xjf extension are allowed.
Once we have received your file and priced it, a new cart with the name you specified below (or something like it) will appear in
Saved Carts. At that point, you may load that new cart, add additional items, and purchase it.
While uploading works with the majority of browsers,
Internet Explorer users must have version 10 or later
. If you cannot upgrade to IE10 or IE11, try using
or Safari version 5 or later.
Saved Carts
Merge Carts
This is the list of carts that have been saved (or uploaded) for purchase and reuse.
To review the contents of a saved cart, press the View Details (
) button. Press the Load Cart (
button) to load a saved cart for purchase.
To create a new cart by combining the contents of two existing carts, use the Merge Carts panel.
Simply select any two carts (First cart, Second cart), type in a name for this new cart, then click Create Merged Cart.
Merging two carts does not replace, modify, or delete the original carts. If you need more help, read our
"How to Merge Cabinotch Carts" help document (PDF) below for more detailed instructions.
1. Billing Information
Please enter your billing address. If paying by credit card, this address must match
the one you have on file with your credit card institution. All fields are required
unless otherwise noted.
2. Shipping Information
Please enter the destination address for this order. All fields are required unless
otherwise noted. Cabinotch will only ship orders within the contiguous United States and Canada.
Post office (P.O.) boxes are not permitted.
We do not ship to Alaska or Hawaii.
Billing Information missing or incomplete.
You must complete step 1, "Billing Information", before you can specify
shipping information.
3. Grand total
4. Payment Method
Select a method of payment, then complete the all of the fields that pertain to it.
Billing or Shipping Information missing
or incomplete.
You must complete steps 1 and 2 before you can enter payment information and check
5. Additional Information
Enter a name for this order, any special instructions that pertain to it, and/or apply a Cabinotch card or discount code (optional).
customer notes are not binding until confirmed by the Cabinotch team. Discount values are applied in step #5.
Payment Information is missing or incomplete.
Return to the Payment Method section and fix any errors before adding additional information.
6. Review and Checkout
Please review your order carefully and agree to the terms and conditions of this
website before checking out.